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Ship´s stability

 It belongs to the most difficult subject in Maritime schools. Commercial ships and yacht have the stability calculated by their producers. In case of individual constructions, the stability booklet must be done by the designers and engineers. Every ship must fulfill international regulations, guaranteeing her seaworthiness.

Every merchant ship must have enough stability calculated for different loading conditions and cargoes. Ship carrying passangers only, does not have so many variaties. It is possible to say the same about seagoing yachts. In case of bigger dimmnesions and individual constructions, it is essential to calculate the ceter of gravity ahead of the sea voyage. Rough estimates might be dangerous. Stability can be verified by approper experiments, giving the certainty the ship is safe as far as her stability is concerned.
Example: Stability curve of the T/S La Grace www.lagrace.cz  English version. (German, French Spanish and Czech versions are also available)
Trim and stability calculation XLSM spreadsheet for the T/S La Grace. Download here.
In case of interest I can design a similar XLS for your ship or yacht. Price negotiations are individual. MS Excel must be installed in your PC. 


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